Monday, February 18, 2008

AP Writer Visits UGA

Journalism is in the midst of drastic change, according to a national writer for the Associated Press, speaking at the University of Georgia Monday morning.
Erin McClam, who is an alumnus of the school, gave advice to students on how to write and report effectively, and spoke of the evolution the field has experienced in the past several years.
He referred to what he called the “explosion of the internet,” and the increasing demand from internet users for immediate news in the midst of the daytime.
“There is much more appetite for news during the work day,” he said.
In many cases, he noted, reporters must dictate story notes over the phone just moments after an event they are covering has occurred, in order for it to quickly be posted on the internet. Many web users have come to expect such immediacy, and bloggers sometimes respond just as quickly.
McClam also stressed the importance of observation, clarity, and flexibility. He encouraged the group of students to document their surroundings, and try to break out of their own writing methods. “You have to say to yourself, why not try this little snappy four-word lead?” he said.

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